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Community Lifeline
Nonprofits & Charities
Always open
About Us
Community Lifeline provides 24/7, year round, low barrier shelter and stability, meals, hot showers, clothing, case management, peer support, job training, education, and resource connection for individual adults who are in need with all services leading to pathways toward permanent housing. Community Lifeline is an access point for Coordinated Entry and the Homeless Management Information System data base emergency shelter to people in need. All guests receive an intake, vulnerability and resource assessment, interface with case management, work with case management to create a person- centered plan for housing and resources, and receive a warm hand off or referral to community resources including health, mental health, addiction and treatment, employment, education, and housing.
They established Recovery Café in 2023. An addiction resources center where they are committed to serving people suffering from homelessness, addiction, & other mental health challenges. For more information, you can email: