Senator Drew MacEwen


Elected Officials & Political Candidates

About Us

Thank you for taking the time to stay connected with me and our citizen Legislature. It's an honor to represent the people of the 35th District. Many years ago, I came to Washington while in the Navy and I returned here to raise my children; so I understand the concerns of hard working families in our district.

As the president and founder of Falcon Financial, Inc. my experience is a great asset while the state is facing enormous challenges fiscally and economically. We have some tough decisions to make but government can and should prioritize the needs of our communities without raising taxes.

I am here to represent you and I will remain focused on the issues you told me are important:
-Encouraging the creation of globally-competitive, private-sector jobs;
-Management and investment of your tax dollars in a responsible, accountable manner to make sure our state government lives within its means;
-Improving our K-12 education system to provide our next generation the best start possible; and
-Making our transportation and ferry system more effective, safe, and dependable.

Additionally, our district is a key producer of timber and agriculture in Washington. These are not only vital economic areas for the state; they provide critical family-wage jobs for thousands of people. It is time for state government to support these industries better!

The most important part of my job is listening to you. The best ideas continue to come from the people in my communities - not from Olympia. Please contact me to share your thoughts, concerns and questions.

Drew MacEwen

State Rep.


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